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关于举办“Regulation of Sugar Homeostatic States Is Linked to Plant Growth and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Rice”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:Regulation of Sugar Homeostatic States Is Linked to Plant Growth and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Rice





  余淑美,台湾中央研究院分子生物学研究所特聘研究員、教授、院士、发展中世界科学院院士。分别于1975、1979年获得台湾中兴大学植物病理学学士和硕士学位,于1984年获得美国阿肯色大学 (University of Arkansas)植物学博士学位。1984-1988年分别在美国冷泉港实验室(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)、罗彻斯特大学生物系(University of Rochester)和美国康乃尔大学(Cornell University)从事博士后研究工作。从1989开始至今在中央研究院分子生物学研究所任副研究员、研究员、特聘研究员。从事植物抗逆研究工作。其研究结果在PNAS,Plant Cell,JPC,Plant Physiology等植物学主流刊物发表论文85篇。获得并转让数项发明专利。其2006-2007年度发表的论文被 (Thomson Essential Science Indicator)遴选为「植物与动物学领域突破性暨密集引用论文」 (Fast Breaking Paper in the Field of Plant and Animal Science),以表彰该论文在过去2年中被其它论文引用次数名列前1%的优异成绩。 余教授曾获得世界工业与科技研究组织最佳创意女科学家奖、美国科学促进学会会士、美国植物生物学会国外杰出植物科学家奖、台湾杰出女科学家奖等学术荣誉。详情见链接:http://www.imb.sinica.edu.tw/~sumay/。






  Title: Regulation of Sugar Homeostatic States Is Linked to Plant Growth and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Rice

  Time: 2:50 pm, October 17, 2019

  Venue: S3119

  Introduction of Speaker:

  Dr. Su-may Yu is a distinguished Professor, Academician in the Institute of Molecular Biology of Academia Sinica. She got her Bs and Ms degree in plant pathology from National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan in 1975 and 1979 respectively, and got her Ph.D in plant biology from University of Arkansas in USA in 1984. She had her     postdoc training in the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Department of Biology, University of Rochester during 1984-1987. She worked as Research Associate (with Ray Wu) in the Section of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology at Cornell University during 1987-1988. She has been working as an associate professor and full professor in the Institute of Molecular Biology of Academia Sinica since 1989. Her esearch focus on plant abiotic stress tolerance. She has published her research results in many top journals such as PNAS, Plant Cell, JBC, Plant Physiology etc.