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关于举办“The methyl cycle in health and disease: insights from the clock”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:The methyl cycle in health and disease: insights from the clock



  报告人:Jean-Michel Fustin博士,副教授(日本京都大学)


  Jean-Michel Fustin博士,副教授,博士生导师,长期从事生物钟与甲基代谢关系的研究,现任日本京都大学药学研究科分子代谢学研究室主任,《Frontiers in Pharmacology》副主编。2008年毕业于英国阿伯丁大学获博士学位,2009-2014年在日本京都大学药学研究科师从世界著名生物钟科学家冈村均教授从事博士后研究。2014-2018年任京都大学药学研究科特任讲师,2019年至今任京都大学药学研究科副教授。围绕生物钟与甲基代谢关系领域开展相关研究,在Science、Cell、PNAS、Current Biology、Nature Communications、Cell Reports等具有国际影响力的期刊发表研究论文20余篇。Fustin博士近期荣获英国政府研究和创新未来领导者基金项目支持,将于2020年初赴英国曼彻斯特大学任教。




Notice of “The methyl cycle in health and disease: insights from the clock”

  Title: The methyl cycle in health and disease: insights from the clock

  Time:9:30-11:30 am, October14th, 2019

  Speaker:Dr. Jean-Michel Fustin, Associate Professor (Kyoto University)

  Venue: Room No. 4143, Building 4, North Campus, College of Veterinary Medicine


  The methyl cycle is an ancestral biochemical pathway in which methionine is used for the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine, the methyl donor co-substrate in transmethylation reactions. It is sensitive to the metabolic state of the organism and has a wide impact on gene expression and function via methylation of nucleic acids, proteins, phospholipids and small molecules. 

  We have shown that inhibiting the methyl cycle causes the circadian clock to slow down in mouse and human cells, notably due to the decrease of mRNA m6A methylation of clock gene transcripts. 

  We are currently investigating whether the link between the clock and the methyl cycle is conserved in the course of evolution, and if exogenous supply of methyl cycle metabolites have an impact on the circadian clock. Our recent progress will be presented.

  A Brief Introduction to the Speaker:

  After completing his PhD in seasonal rhythms at the University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom), Dr Fustin came to Japan in 2008 as a postdoctoral fellow, to work with Prof. Okamura on the neurobiology of circadian rhythms at the Department of Systems Biology in Kyoto University. There, he developed his own interests in the link between the circadian clock and the metabolism of methyl groups. These studies led to the discovery that the N6-methylation of adenosine nucleotides within the mRNA sequence was a circadian pacemaker. In 2014, he became Adjunct Lecturer, then Associate Professor in 2018. He was the first European to obtain a tenured faculty position at the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Kyoto University, where he founded his Laboratory of Molecular Metabology in 2019. His investigations on RNA methylation led to the characterization of a novel alternatively-spliced Casein Kinase 1 Delta isoform, functionally distinct from the canonical one and expressed at higher levels in specific peripheral tissues. His laboratory now focuses on the physiological functions of mRNA methylation and the pathological consequences of RNA methylation deficiency in adult organisms. In 2019, he was awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship and will relocate to the University of Manchester in early 2020.Dr. Fustin published more than 25 papers in famousinternational academic journals, such as Science, Cell, Nature Communications, Current Biology, and Cell Reports. 

  All the teachers and students are welcome to attend this seminar.

College of Veterinary Medicine

October11th, 2019