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关于举办“Manipulations of GA and ABA for the enhancement of abiotic stress tolerance in rice”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:Manipulations of GA and ABA for the enhancement of abiotic stress tolerance in rice

  报告人:贺端华 (Tuan-hua David Ho)




  贺端华(Tuan-hua David Ho),台湾中央研究院植物与微生物研究所特聘研究員、院士。于1970获得台湾大学植物学学士学位,1976年获Michigan State University生物化学博士学位。1975至1976在Washington University, St. Louis任助理研究员。1976-1978在MIT生物系从事博士后研究工作。1978-1984在University of Illinois植物系任助理教授。1984-1992在Washington University, St. Louis生物系任副教授。1993-2014在Washington University, St. Louis生物系任教授。2003-2008任台湾中央研究院植物与微生物研究所特聘研究員、所长。贺教授从事植物抗逆研究工作,其研究结果在PNAS,Plant Cell,JPC,Plant Physiology等主流刊物发表论文139篇。(H-Index:53, Total citations: >11,900, 21 papers with >100 citations with ThDH as either the 1ST or corresponding author)。贺教授曾于2008-2011年任美国植物生物学会(ASPB)主席。2004年获美国科学促进会会士(Elected Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)荣誉称号。贺教授担任多家主流杂志编委工作,如PLANT PHYSIOLOGY (1983-1992); DEVELOPMENTAL GENETICS (1984-1990);JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION (l989-2004);Botanical Studdies (BBAS)(1988-);Taiwania (1992-2002);Plant Physiology (1995-2000);PLANT CELL PHYSIOLOGY (2004-2008);PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL (2014至今)。






  Title: Manipulations of GA and ABA for the enhancement of abiotic stress tolerance in rice Time: 

  4:30 pm, October 17, 2019

  Venue: S3119 

  Introduction of Speaker: 

  Dr. Tuan-hua David Ho is a distinguished Professor, Academician in the Institute of Plant and Microbiology of Academia Sinica. He got his Bs degree from Taiwan Univeristy in 1970, and got his Ph.D from Michigan State University in 1976. He had his postdoc training in MIT. He worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Botany at University of Illinois, USA between 1978 and 1984. Dr. Ho worked as an associate professor and full professor during 1985-2003 in the Dept of Biology, Washington Univ, St. Louis. Dr. Ho worked as a distinguished professor in the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan during 2003-2008. Dr. Ho then worked as a chair professor after 2009 in college of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University and he worked as a Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica after 2012. Dr. Ho’s research focus on plant abiotic stress tolerance. He has published 139 peer reviewed papers in many top journals such as PNAS, Plant Cell, JBC, Plant Physiology etc. He was honored the Elected Fellow by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2004. He has served as a chair as ASPB during 2008-2011.