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未来农业前沿交叉学术报告|Killers, cannibals, and kinship behaviours - Exploring the evolution of behavioural diversity

报告题目:Killers, cannibals, and kinship behaviours - Exploring the evolution of behavioural diversity

报  告 人:James W. Lightfoot, PhD




My research group explores the fundamental principles giving rise to the emergence of behavioural diversity through the analysis of the proximate (mechanistic) and ultimate (evolutionary) processes involved. To do this, we utilise behavioural differences between two comparative nematode species, Caenorhabditis elegans and Pristionchus pacificus, and we explore the genetic, molecular and neuronal contributions to their specific behavioural repertoires. Our work is particularly focused on their feeding differences as while C. elegans is a bacterial feeder, P. pacificus demonstrates predatory behaviours which facilitate the killing and consumption of other nematode larvae. Crucially, while they are voracious predators of other nematodes including other con-specifics, our recent work identified a kin-recognition system in P. pacificus which prevents the killing of close relatives. During this seminar I will talk about these findings further including our current knowledge of the signalling and sensory mechanism involved in the P. pacificus predation and kin-recognition behaviours.


James W. Lightfoot,德国马克斯普朗克神经行为学研究所(波恩)课题组组长(Group Leader),博士毕业于英国MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences,博士后受训于德国马克斯普朗克生物研究所(图宾根)。Dr. Lightfoot以线虫为模型,通过分子生物学手段研究动物的亲属选择(Kin Selection)和捕食行为,研究成果以第一或通讯作者发表在Science, Science Advances, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Current Biology等期刊,获得德国海德堡学会奖(Heidelberg akademie award)等多项荣誉。


