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  关于举办“Tapping on the Decentralised Web and User Autonomy”的学术报告

报告题目:Tapping on the Decentralised Web and User Autonomy(浅去中心化万维网和用户自主性)





The Web was created as a open space for communal goods, but it is facing a centralisation to a small number of big platforms. Many initiatives attempt to mitigate or resolve this situation, ranging from technical to legal solutions. SoLiD (Social Linked Data) is proposed by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, as a unique solution to this. It flips the role of users and platforms, by creating a user-centric and interoperable ecosystem. The EWADA (Ethical Web And Data Architectures in the Age of AI) Project, hosted at the University of Oxford, led by Prof. Sir Nigel Shadbolt and Prof. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, aims to explore different aspects of user autonomy in the context of both the current Web and the decentralised Web, and to design user-focused solutions.

In this talk, we will cover the general concepts and visions of SoLiD and the directions of EWADA. We will also focus on one aspect of data autonomy, through the lens of Data Terms of Use (DToU), to discuss the problems of existing Web and related societal infrastructure, and the vision for a more user-centric and societal-beneficial future digital ecosystem.


赵睿,博士,牛津大学计算机系博士后研究员。研究方向主要为支持个人隐私和控制,平衡个人和社会社会群体的偏好和兴趣,以及去中心化应用中的挑战。2016年毕业于j9九游会官方登录信息工程学院,取得学士学位,后赴英国爱丁堡大学继续深造,分别于2017年和2022年获得硕士学位和博士学位,导师均为Malcolm Atkinson教

目前,他正在参与由Nigel Shadbolt教、爵士和Tim Berners-Lee教、爵士领导的EWADA项目,主要负责类似SoLiD的去中心化架构中的维护隐私的和尊重用户自主性的数据处理(方案),其中的两个主要研究方向分别是用户自主性和隐私保护计算的关联,以及通过数据使用条例(DToU)来辅助用户进行数据使用(请求)的决定并帮助数据顺利流动。

