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关于英国巴斯大学Tony D. James教授学术报告的通知

报告题目:Fluorescent chemosensors: the past, present and future




Tony D James是巴斯大学教授和皇家化学学会会员。他开发了广泛的跨学科研究方法,重点关注模块化传感器的开发,并开创了一系列报告制度。他的研究兴趣包括超分子化学的许多方面,包括分子识别、荧光传感器设计、荧光成像、手性识别、糖类识别、阴离子识别、氧化还原失衡探针和治疗系统。他于2013年获得与日本建立科学网络的Daiwa-Adrian奖,2015年获得与中国建立科学网络的首届CASE奖,2018年获得MSMLG Czarnik奖,2020年获得化学多样性前沿奖,并获得英国皇家学会沃尔夫森研究优秀奖(2017-2022)。他发表了超过455篇出版物,包括3本书,9本书章节和443篇国际同行评审期刊论文。他的h指数为86,于2022年被Clarivate列为高被引研究员。


With this talk I will introduce an assortment of fluorescent sensors and imaging agents developed over the past 30 years. Such sensors and imaging agents can be used to monitor analytes within physiological, environmental, and industrial scenarios. The interactions between the “chemosensor” and an analyte of choice occurs on a molecular level and as such gathering and processing the information is challenging. Therefore, I will outline the trials and challenges encountered in the development of robust chemical molecular sensors “chemosensors” able to detect such analytes selectively and signal or map their concentration in a biological or environmental scenario. During the talk you will be introduced to a variety of fluorescent probes designed for diols (D-glucose), anions, and redox imbalance. With the goal being the development of chemosensors capable of determining the concentration (and location) of a target species in any medium. Particular attention will be paid to the underlying chemistry associated with the construction of practical chemosensors for both sensing and imaging applications. The main take home message from this talk is that the past ensures that our research walks down the correct path, the present provides us with fascinating and important challenges that need to be solved and the future holds the promise that chemosensors will be able to improve the quality of our lives.

Albert Einstein: “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”



