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报告题目:Global Carbon Inequality and the Distributional Effects of Climate Mitigation Policies

报 告 人:冯奎双教授  美国马里兰大学

报告时间:2023年11月17日  上午9:00



冯奎双,美国马里兰大学教授,英国利兹大学博士,研究方向侧重于不同空间尺度(当地、国家和全球)的社会经济和环境资源核算。以第一作者/共同作者发表了150多篇期刊论文,其中许多论文发表在本学科的一流期刊上,包括30多篇在Nature and Science journals 、 PNAS等期刊发表。

冯教授目前是国际工业生态学会(ISIE)的副主席、国际投入产出协会(IIOA)的当选理事会成员、SETAC&ACLCA EEIO工作组的共同主席,对IPCC第六次评估报告做出了贡献。此外,还担任 Ecological Economics编辑、Science of the Total Environment副主编以及Sustainable Production and Consumption专题编辑。2020-2022年被列为Clarivate高被引科学家。


Wealth and income are disproportionately distributed across countries and income groups resulting in carbon inequality. Nearly one billion people are still living in extreme poverty (< 1.9 dollar per day). The UNFCCC aims to keep warming below 2 degrees Celsius while recognizing developing countries’ right to eradicate extreme poverty. Poverty eradication is also the first of the Sustainable Development Goals. In this talk, Dr. Feng will discuss the following research questions: What are the differences across countries and income groups, in terms of carbon footprints? Do we see a convergence of lifestyles and carbon footprints of rich folks across countries? What would be the carbon implications of moving hundreds of millions of people out of poverty? Dr. Feng will also discuss how are different household groups potentially impacted by the climate mitigation policies, such as carbon taxes and energy subsidy removal? And what are the options to make the fiscal mitigation policies pro-poor?


