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关于举办“Workshop on Dielectric Instrumentation and Measurements for Water Content and Property Determination”的通知

  会议主题:Workshop on Dielectric Instrumentation and Measurements for Water Content and Property Determination

  会议时间:2019年9月6日(周五) 上午9:00 —下午17:30



  我校旱区节水农业研究院拟与美国犹他州立大学、波兰科学院联合举办Dielectric Instrumentation and Measurements for Water Content and Property Determination学术研讨会,来自国际和国内不同高校的专家将针对介质介电谱在农业节水、食品品质和岩土工程等方面的应用展开学术交流活动。









  Workshop on Dielectric Instrumentation and Measurements for Water Content and Property Determination

  Friday, September 6, 2019


  Welcome and IntroductionsModerator: Yufeng Zou


  9:00-9:15 Welcome speech by Prof. Huanjie Cai

  Director, Institute of Water Saving Agriculture in Arid Areas of China, Northwest A&F University

  9:15-9:30 Goals of meeting and plans for future collaboration on topics of mutual interest

  Prof. Scott Jones, Utah State University

  9:30-9:45 Introduction to Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences

  Prof. Cezary Slawinski, Director of the Institute

  9:45-10:00 Introduction to his group and their research

  Prof. Wojciech Skierucha, Laboratory of Dielectric Spectroscopy, Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences

  10:00-10:30 Tea Break

  Presentations (1): Dielectric Spectroscopy     Moderator: Scott Jones       

  Time Topic Speaker

  10:30-10:50 Dielectric properties of milk and development on quality detector Wenchuan Guo, Northwest A&F University

  10:50-11:10 Mechanisms of crack initiation and propagation in clayey loess related to desiccation Xin Wei, Xi’An Jiaotong University

  11:10-11:30 Dielectric properties of agricultural products and its application for online monitoring of fermentation process of yogurt Yunyang Wang, Northwest A&F University

  11:30-11:50 Reference dielectric measurement system 

  as a tool for verification of soil moisture – dielectric permittivity calibration functions Wojciech Skierucha, Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences

  12:00 Lunch



  Presentations(2): Sensors and Instrumentation   Moderator: Wojciech Skierucha 

  Time Topic Speaker

  13:30-13:50 The Quest for Electromagnetic Water Content Sensor Standards of Quality Scott Jones, Utah State University

  13:50-14:10 The nonlinear model is used to correct the distance error of the two probes Hengye Ren, Northwest A&F University

  14:10-14:30 The nonlinear model is used to correct the distance error of the two probes Aogukailin, Northwest A&F University

  14:30-14:50 Influence factors of dielectric measurement with MiniVNA based on bilinear model JinghuiXu, Northwest A&F University

  14:50-15:10 Monitoring devices of soil physical parameters from E-Test, Ltd. Marcin Lewak, E-Test, Ltd., Poland

  15:10 Tea Break

  Presentations(3): Time Domain Reflectometry and Applications

  Moderator: Jinghui Xu

  Time Topic Speaker

  15:30-15:50 Development of non-conventional TDR probes and applications in geotechnical engineering Qingyi Mu, Xi’An Jiaotong University

  15:50-16:10 TDR Array Design and Application Wenyi Sheng, China Ag. University, Beijing

  16:10-16:30 Miscellaneous applications of TDR beyond water content measurement Xin Wei, Xi’An Jiaotong University

  16:30-16:50 Error factor analysis of soil moisture content determination by dielectric method Liangliang Wang,Nanjing SmartSensor Co., Ltd

  16:50-17:30 Discussion

  17:30 Adjourn

