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  (一)报告题目:Does Land Renting-in Reduce Grain Production? Evidence from Rural China

  报告人:仇童伟  博士                  主持人:石宝峰

  报告时间:2019年9月5日(周四)     下午14:30-16:30


  内容提要:China’s grain security is an increasing global concern. Most researchers argue that land renting-in leads to the cultivation of non-grain products in rural China. We use household-level data collected in China to assess the relationship between land renting-in and grain production. Our results indicate that land renting-in positively affects rice acreage, especially when there is less labor available for agriculture. The channel of the effect is that lessees tend to increase the use of machinery in rice production, but not in the production of cash crops because the production of grain crops can be more easily mechanized in rural China. The Chinese government should still pay close attention to the cultivation of non-grain products caused by land renting-in because workers in the production of cash crops may also be easily replaced by new agricultural technologies.

  报告人简介:仇童伟,华南农业大学经济管理学院博士,悉尼大学商学院访问学者。 研究领域主要包括,农业经济,土地经济,制度经济。先后在China Agricultural Economics Review,China & World Economy,管理世界,中国农村经济,中国农村观察,公共管理学报等学术期刊发表论文30余篇。仇童伟博士先后多次被邀参加国际和国内学术会议,并担任多个学术期刊的匿名审稿人, 参与多项国家自科重点、面上项目及省部级课题,并承担省级课题1项。

  (二)报告题目:Does National Culture Affect Culinary Consumption of Foreign Tourists? The Evidence from Japan

  报告人:李希  博士                  主持人:石宝峰

  报告时间:2019年9月5日(周四)     下午14:30-16:30


  内容提要:This research aims to explore the relationship between the national or regional culture and culinary consumption of inbound tourists by adopting dimensions of Hofstede. The research employed a self-administered seasonal questionnaire of 9141 random samples from more than 60 different outbound travel markets to Osaka. Results from the Poisson regression model highlighted that the dimension of individualism significantly influenced the range of the culinary consumption of inbound tourists. Results from the binominal logit model revealed that tourists from outbound travel markets with higher risk aversion scores have greater acceptance of Japanese luxury cuisines, while tourists from lower risk aversion outbound travel markets tend to consume inexpensive Japanese daily cuisines. Furthermore, tourists traveling with family members, relatives, friends, and couples patronize a greater diversity of cuisines than tourists traveling with co-workers or alone. The results also indicate that satisfaction and revisit intention are positively correlated with the number of culinary experimentation.

  报告人简介:李希,现任新加坡国立大学访问研究员。博士毕业于大阪大学。主要从事市场营销,消费者行为,品牌管理,旅游市场战略等领域的研究工作。先后参与完成国家级科研项目4项,具有丰富的国内外科研。研究期间,以第一作者身份发表一篇文章在Journal of Vacation Marketing(SSCI 2区,IF: 2.17)上,另有两篇文章投稿至SSCI 1区期刊上。作为讲师,李博士曾主讲过《管理战略》,《商业模式》,《市场营销》,《品牌管理》,《消费者行为》等课程。此外,李博士还担任过大阪观光大学的国际事务助理,多次参与本校与海外大学和政府组织的商务谈判。2015年,李博士在日本最大的证券公司野村证券获得过日本关西地区最佳投资奖。





