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关于举办“Life in the drinking water distribution network”学术报告会的通知

  报告题目: Life in the drinking water distribution network(饮用水输送网路中的生命)

  报告人: Johannes Simon Vrouwenvelder (Hans)教授

  报告时间: 2018年12月3日(星期一) 下午4:00-5:30

  报告地点: 食品科学与工程学院6楼创新会议室


  Drinking water is distributed from the treatment facility to consumers through extended man-made piping systems. The World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water guidelines stated that “Water entering the distribution system must be microbiologically safe and ideally should also be biologically stable”. The biological stability criterion refers to maintaining the microbial drinking water quality in time and distance from the point of drinking water production up to the point of consumption.

      Uncontrolled growth of indigenous bacteria during water transport can result in the deterioration of aesthetic aspects of water, such as taste, colour, and odour, in exceeding of guideline values, and in technical problems. Controlling bacterial growth in piping systems and premise plumbing is very challenging, and changes in drinking water microbial characteristics are often measured in networks distributing water with or without residual disinfectant.

      The seminar will address the impact of (i) water, (ii) pipe materials and (iii) biofilms in the water distribution network on the biological stability of drinking water and discuss methods and new tools for evaluation of microbial drinking water quality.


  Hans Vrouwenvelder,国际著名膜科学和水处理技术专家,沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KAUST)教授,KAUST水除盐与再用中心(Water Desalination and Reuse Center)主任,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学生物技术系教授。主要研究领域包括:饮用水生产与输送过程的生物稳定性、膜过程生物污染防治、水系统的生物污染与生物膜等。

      Hans Vrouwenvelder教授迄今已在《Water Research》、《Journal of Membrane Science》、《Desalination》等相关领域国际知名学术期刊发表论文110余篇, H-index 36,先后受邀在国际水协会(IWA)大会、国际脱盐协会(IDA)大会等重要国际学术会议上作主旨报告40余次,并获颁“The WaternetWatercyclus Innovation”奖。




