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【农村?社会?发展】系列讲座第二十二讲 后种植园漫谈

  主讲人: 罗宾•梯也尔,比利时根特大学政治与社会科学学院研究人员

  讲座时间: 2018年9月6日(星期四)16:40-18:10

  讲座地点: N2216报告厅


  讲座语言: 英文(PPT为中英对照)

  联系人: 张瑞恒,2359604248@qq.com


  罗宾∙梯也尔(Robin Thiers)毕业于英国伦敦大学亚非学院(SOAS)和比利时鲁汶大学,分别获得全球化与发展硕士以及比较国际政治和政治与社会科学双学位,即将获得比利时根特大学政治与社会科学学院博士学位。他曾在联合国开发计划署尼日尔国家办公室任农业与食物专家、比利时弗拉芒荷语区政府农业与渔业部任政策顾问,当前研究主要涉及国际农业政治经济学尤其小规模生产者在其中的角色、发展干预和公共政策等,已在The Journal of Peasant Studies, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy等杂志发表多篇SSCI论文,受邀作会议主旨发言或讲座多次。

  Seminar Series on Rural Society and Development Studies (No. 22)

  Tales of the post-plantation

  Speaker: Robin Thiers, FWO PhD Researcher at the Department of Conflict and Development Studies at Ghent University, Belgium

  Date:  September 6, 2018, 16:40-18:10 (Thursday)

  Venue: N2216, North Campus of NWAFU, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100

  Language: English (with bilingual slides)

  Contact: ZHANG Ruiheng, 2359604248@qq.com 

  Short-bio of the speaker:

  Robin Thiers is a PhD researcher at the Department of Conflict and Development Studies at Ghent University (Belgium), with funding from the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO). He worked as agriculture and food expert in the UNDP Niger Country Office and as policy advisor in the Agriculture and Fisheries Department of the Flemish Government. His doctoral research focuses on the recent history of Philippine banana plantations through the perspectives of agrarian political economy and environmental anthropology. He has recently published on his research in the Journal of Peasant Studies, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, etc. and holds an MSc degree in Globalisation and Development from SOAS (UK).



