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关于举办“Environmental Isotope Applications in Critical Zone science”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:Environmental Isotope Applications in Critical Zone science         

  报 告 人:Jaivime Evaristo




  It is possible to estimate and predict the fate and transport of water and solutes using a range of tools. Oftentimes, however, technical limitations lead to large uncertainties in model predictions. Moreover, poor understanding of solute multi-isotope variability hampers our ability to derive robust geospatial models of solute spatial variability from regional to continental scales. This status quo needs to change, especially in light of mounting pressures on scientists and practitioners alike to make rigorous predictions on water routing and solute (or pollutant) transport. In this seminar, I will present recent progress made towards achieving greater clarity and understanding of the phenomenon that is ecohydrological compartmentalization. I will begin with testing the generality of ecohydrological compartmentalization and end with unscrambling the possible process controls behind the partitioning of subsurface moisture between root water uptake and groundwater recharge based on results from a controlled drought-rewetting experiment at the Biosphere 2-Tropical Rainforest mesocosm. Insights from data synthesis, laboratory and field experiments suggest a radically different way of looking at the terrestrial water cycle-a purposeful use of chemistry to track raindrops rather than just the hydrometrics of input and output over defined space and time scales. An appreciation of the difference between the mass flux of water (i.e. velocity, represented by the age distribution of water in storage) and the speed with which an incoming parcel of water propagates through the flow domain (i.e. celerity, represented by stream hydrographs) is therefore warranted. With these insights I will outline a research collaboration agenda with Northwest A&F University (NWAFU) that (1) implements the concepts of ecohydrological compartmentalization for improving process representations in hydrological models, and (2) identifies opportunities for using a multi-isotope approach in tracing sources and sinks of water and nutrients in the Loess Plateau.


  Jaivime Evaristo,博士,美国内华大学助理教授。从事生态水文学方面的研究,关注“ecohydrological separation”,在植物水分来源和流域水循环机制等方面做了大量工作,强调同位素技术在生态水中的应用。通过对比全球尺度的降水、土壤、植物木质部水、河水和地下水等,验证了“two water world hypothesis”假定,发现补给河水和地下水的水源同补给土壤水和植物利用的水分不同,成果以第一作者发表在Nature。另有多篇文章发表在Hydrological Processes等杂志。




