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  报告题目: The Paradox of the Content Female Worker

  报告人: Prof. Alfonso Sousa-Poza        主持人:薛建宏  教授

  时间: 14:30-15:45 pm, March 9, 2018

  地点: Meeting Room C301, The Building of Economics, Management and Landscape Architecture (经管园林大楼C301会议室)

  内容提要: This talk takes a detailed look at job satisfaction in economics. First, it will document what is the gender paradox of job satisfaction. Second, it would provide several possible explanations for this paradox. Third, it will ask an important question “how is gender paradox of job satisfaction related to economics?” Fourth, it thengives several research directions in economics associated with the gender paradox. Finally, it provides a case study in China and attempts to answer two key questions: “Doesthe gender paradox of job satisfaction really exist in China?” and “Is job satisfaction a good predictor for job turnover in China?”

  报告人简介:Alfonso Sousa-Poza,德国斯图加特市霍恩海姆大学健康护理与公共管理学院经济学教授,并担任该学院执行院长。本科毕业于南非开普敦大学计算机科学专业,之后在瑞士圣加仑大学先后获得经济学硕士和博士学位。他目前也是瑞士圣加仑大学经济学永久客座教授。同时,也是德国波恩市劳动经济研究所(IZA)研究员。并担任The World Bank、European Commission、OECD、Swiss Federal Statistical Office及 Swiss National Science Foundation等机构的咨询委员会专家。研究领域主要涉及人口老龄化,健康经济学,劳动经济学以及主观幸福感。目前,他担任The Journal of the Economics of Ageing (Elsevier)主编之一。他的研究成果已经发表于诸多相关研究领域的重要期刊,比如Journal of Health Economics、Health Economics、Journal of Population Economics、Labor Economics、Economics & Human Biology, Cambridge Journal of Economics、European Journal of Industrial Relations、PLoS ONE, Journal of Happiness Studies、European Journal of Population、Journal of Population Ageing等。英文学术论著累计他引超过4100次(据Google Scholar)。他目前被瑞士历史上最悠久的报纸《新苏黎世报》(NNZ)评为瑞士前10位最有影响力的经济学家之。




