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  报告人:Prof. Erwin van der Krabben(荷兰拉德堡德大学管理学院教授)

  时   间:2017年12月4日下午4:10-5:40

  地  点:经管学院C301

  内容摘要:Planning interventions influence the outcomes of land and property markets, in terms of quantity, quality and price of land and real estate. These planning interventions may consist of regulatory planning interventions, interventions that (re)shape or (re)structure the market and interventions that facilitate self-organizing planning initiatives.These interventions shape property rights regimes and define the positions and investment strategies of individual property rights holders. My research focuses on the one hand on the analysis of land and property market outcomes and the way they have been influenced – deliberately or as an unwanted side effect – by planning interventions, and on the other hand on testing – in experimental settings, via ‘gamification’(both game-theoretical simulations and ‘serious games’) - the possible impact of proposed interventions on land and property markets. In my talk I will discuss recent results of experimental gamification approaches to the testing of planning interventions on land and property markets.

  主讲者简介:Erwin van der Krabben于1990年在荷兰Radboud大学获得城镇与乡村规划硕士学位,并于1995年在Tilburg大学获得经济科学的博士学位。1996年他共同创立了荷兰房地产咨询公司Stec Groep。自1999年至2004年他在两所荷兰房地产咨询公司任职。2004年他以全职学者身份在Radboud大学管理学院城市规划系工作。2010年晋升为规划与房地产开发教授。同时在北爱尔兰Ulster大学建筑环境学院兼职房地产教授。他的研究集中在城市土地和房地产市场、土地政策、价值捕获和城市规划。他主持多项欧洲和全球的国际研究项目,在国际城市规划和房地产期刊发表100余篇高水平论文,长期为地方、区域和国家政府提供规划与房地产开发方面的咨询。



