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关于举办“针对用户数据的在线非参数von Mises-Fisher混合模型”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:针对用户数据的在线非参数von Mises-Fisher混合模型 (Online Trans-dimensional von Mises-Fishes Mixture Models for User Profiles)





  覃香菊博士,现于芬兰阿尔托大学(原赫尔辛基理工大学)计算机学院做机器学习与计算生物学方向的博士后。在2008年和2011年分别于j9九游会官方登录信息工程学院获得本科学位和硕士学位;2015年获都柏林大学计算机科学博士学位。 在国际权威期刊如《Journal of  Machine Learning Research》,《Social Networks》等发表第一作者SCI论文3篇,发表国际会议文5篇。

  报告摘要:近年,在线知识分享平台和社交媒体(例如,Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, Twitter, 微博)迅速增长,极大地改变了人类获取知识和社交的方式。在给人类带了诸多便利的同时,这些平台和媒体也给使用者和经营者带来了极大的挑战。例如,社交平台经常被各种谣言,绯闻和虚假信息充斥着;一些用户恶意修改知识分享平台的词条信息。研究课题提出了一种在线von mises-fisher混合模型(潜变量模型)来分析用户在网络平台上的时间序列数据。提出的模型能从大规模的时间序列用户数据中,学到区别不同用户组的行为特征,提取的知识可以探索许多很有意义的现实问题。例如,恶意用户具有哪些行为特征?信誉好的用户有哪些行为特征?平台的忠实用户有哪些特征?僵尸用户与普通用户有哪些不同?另外,通过分析平台的用户结构随时间的变化趋势,经营者可以了解不同用户的比率是否正常或是接近异常运行的临界点,从而采取相应的措施来应对潜在的问题。

  Abstract: Recent years have witnessed an astounding growth in the number of online knowledge sharing platforms and social medias (such as Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, Twitter and Weibo), which has revolutionized the way people access knowledge, communicate and interact. While bringing much convenience to our daily life, these platforms and medias also pose great challenges to users and operators. For instance, social medias are often saturated by varied rumor, scandal and misinformation; some users edit the items in knowledge sharing platforms in a malicious manner. This work proposes an online trans-dimensional von Mises-Fisher mixture model to analyze time-varying online user behavioral data. The proposed model can efficiently learn from large-scale time-varying user behavioral data and provide interpretable results, which can distinguish different groups of users. The extracted knowledge from the model can be used to explore many real-world problems, such as, what are the characteristics of malicious users? What define users with good reputation and loyalty?What differentiate between zombie users and general users? Meanwhile, by analyzing the trends of change in user structure over time for the platforms, operators can assess whether the ratios of different user roles are within normal ranges or approach the critical points for malfunction, and then take corresponding measures to handle the problems underlying user behavioral data.



