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关于举办“High Throughput Phenotyping of Plants”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:High Throughput Phenotyping of Plants

  报 告 人:王喜庆 博士 (Xi-Qing Wang,BASF Plant Science LLC, RTP NC,USA)

  报告时间:6月16日下午 15:00




  07/1998 Ph.D., Plant Physiology, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

  07/1993 M. S., Plant Nutrition, Northwestern Agricultural University Yangling, Shaanxi, China

  07/1990 B. S., Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China

  Research Experiences

  01/2008-present   Intrinsic Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency Trait Team member, BASF Plant Science LLC (BPS), RTP NC

  Initiated, lead global multidisciplinary BASF-Monsanto collaboration data analysis team (BASF-side).  Integrate and analyze information from nomination to early development; conceive, develop, recommend strategies and
  solutions for collaboration targets.  Prioritized gene nominations/gene discovery approaches, optimized the collaboration screening pipeline

   Direct cross-function NUE gene discovery platforms at RTP, fully responsible for setting up objectives, coordinating research plan, overseeing budget.  Research has led to a variety of patent applications, novel assays, and transgenic plants for development
  Propose, participate, and review trait biology, transgene characterization, and optimization project to/for BASF-Monsanto Collaboration

  Developed expertise in the maize response to high density, low nitrogen growing; and agro-biotech pipeline operation and optimization

  05/2005-01/2008 Senior Scientist, BASF Plant Science LLC, RTP NC
  Led cross-functional teams in developing and performing molecular, cellular, and physiological corn trait screening, and corn yield performance in the lab, greenhouse, and field; Developed workpackages including resource planning and implementation plans.  The corn trait screening has been applied to gene discovery and mode of action research.

   Initiated and established “LemnaTec Total Plant Screening System” for automated image analysis of plants in greenhouse; led all the related parties to accomplish the system’s design, installation and performance optimization on time and within budget.  This world-class screening system has become an irreplaceable and invaluable tool for BASF.

   Coordinated yield-stress project interaction with Development group and outside contractors to accomplish the project goal; balanced the resource and workload.

  Directly managed scientists with up to 6 direct reports

  08/2002-04/2005 Research Scientist, BASF Plant Science LLC (BPS), RTP NC 

  Directed the first batch of genes into transgenic crop screening pipeline, performed system biology analysis of gene expression and metabolic profiling to exploit lead genes’ mode of action

  Led the team to develop Arabidopsis, soybean, and maize trait screening for transgenic and non-transgenic plants, and gave presentations, and wrote SOP for the related method.  All these methods are widely used for gene discovery

  Developed biochemical assays to detect transgenic plants after transformation to understand the function of transgenes

  09/2001-07/2002 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Missouri-Columbia

  Functional genomics of the Arabidopsis NPH3/RPT2 Family

  09/1998-08/2001 Postdoctoral fellow, Pennsylvania State University-University Park

  Guard cell ABA signal transduction

  09/1993-09/1996 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Group, Northwestern Agricultural University

  Using physiological and biochemical assay to study function of membrane transporters under environmental stresses

  Professional Activities

  Panelist for USDA-Capacity Building Grants Program, 2007

  Ad Hoc reviewer for Plant Physiology and Journal of Plant Physiology since 2001, Plant Cell Reports since 2006, USDA grants since 2003.

  Selected Publications from 29 Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

  Wang XQ, Ullah H, Jones AM, Assmann SM (2001) G protein regulation of ion channels and abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis guard cells.  Science 292: 2070-2072

  Li J, Wang XQ, Watson MB, Assmann SM (2000) Regulation of abscisic acid-induced stomatal closure and anion channels by guard cell AAPK kinase.  Science 287: 300-303

  Wang XQ, Wu WH, Assmann SM (1998) Differential responses of abaxial and adaxial guard cells of broad bean to abscisic acid and calcium.  Plant Physiol 118:1421-1429

  Patent Application Publications
  6 yield stress related patent application

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