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关于举办“基于问题的教学法应用(Implementation of Problem-Based learning )”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:基于问题的教学法应用(Implementation of Problem-Based learning )

  报 告 人:Prof. dr. Erik de Graaff, Aalborg University(Denmark), Delft University of Technology(The Netherlands)




  The educational method Problem-Based learning first spread around the world in medicine and health sciences. At the end of the sixties of the last century PBL was introduced as the basic method of the new medical school at McMasters University in Canada. Since then problem based learning has proven to be a successful educational strategy in many different study domains all over the world. It is important to stress that PBL represents a learning philosophy with implications beyond the practical details of the organisation of the curriculum.

  There are many sound arguments in favour of changing to PBL, such as enhancing students’ motivation, integration of practice oriented competences, improved retention of students, augmenting the quality of education, collaboration with industry. In engineering education PBL has been adopted enthusiastically. The success of Problem Based Learning and Project Organised learning (PBL) as an educational method in the field of Higher Engineering Education is clear and beyond any doubt. An increasing number of Universities of Technology all over the world apply PBL in their curriculum.

  The introduction of PBL brings along significant changes in the organisation of the curriculum and in the role of the teacher. In a PBL learning environment students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning. The students should explore various sources of information in building their own knowledge base. The primary task of the professors shifts from transfer of knowledge to organizing a learning environment. This includes structuring of the courses and the curriculum and the composition of challenging cases or project briefs. As a tutor, or facilitator the teacher aims to help students in structuring their learning process effectively an in developing the necessary process skills for collaboration in small groups.

  The presentation will introduce the basic principles of Problem Based Learning and Project Organized Learning. Next, some evaluation results will be presented and the consequences of implementation will be discussed.


  Erik de Graaff (1951) graduated at the University of Amsterdam in 1978, majoring in the psychology of work and organisation. Starting with his first job at the Research Institute of applied Psychology in Amsterdam his interests focussed on learning and teaching in higher education. From 1979 till 1990 he has been involved in the development of the Problem Based curricula of medicine and health sciences at the University of Limburg in Maastricht. In 1990 Dr. de Graaff was asked to join TU Delft in order to support the process of educational innovation at the Faculty of Architecture. In 1994 he was appointed associate professor in the field of educational innovation at the department of didactics in the Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy, a position which has shifted to the faculty of Technology Policy and Management.

  Dr de Graaff has been a visiting research professor at the University of Newcastle, Australia in 1995 and a guest professor at Aalborg University in Denmark since 1999. The collaboration with Aalborg University in Denmark resulted in an appointment as extraordinary professor (adjungeret professor) in September 2007 and in 2011 he was appointed as full professor at the department of Development and Planning.

  Dr de Graaff has contributed to the promotion of knowledge and understanding of higher engineering education with numerous publications and through participation in professional organisations like SEFI and IGIP. In 2006 Dr de Graaff was appointed as associate editor of the European Journal of Engineering Education. Since January 2008 he is Editor-in-Chief of the EJEE.

  Professional Organisations:

  - ALE [Active Learning in Engineering Education] - member of the Executive Committee

  - ASEE [American Society of Engineering Education].

  - CRWO [Dutch National Society of Centres for Research in Higher Education] - member of the board 2001-2009 (chair in 2005).

  - EARLI [European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction] - member

  - IGIP [European Society for Engineering Pedagogy] – member of the Executive Committee 2007-2010; member of the Dutch National Monitoring Committee.

  -INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING EDUCATION, member of the International Steering Committee (ICEE-ISC) since 2010

  - SEFI [European Society of Engineering Education] – Vice-president 2005-2008

