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报告人:Goong Chen教授 德州农工大学 (Texas A&M University, USA)




Goong Chen,现为美国Texas A&M University数学与航空工程学院终身教授。1972年本科毕业于台湾清华大学,1977年博士毕业于美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,2000年成为Texas A&M University量子研究所成员。

Goong Chen教授的研究方向涉及:偏微分方程的控制理论,边界元方法和偏微分方程数值解,工程力学,混沌动力学,量子计算,化学物理和量子力学。在SIAM Review、SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization等国际著名期刊上发表了150多篇论文,出版了7本专著,编辑了4本学术著作。先后主持和参与了美国和卡塔尔国家研究基金项目、美国Air Force Office项目等20余项,经费达500余万美元。

Goong Chen教授现为Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications、Elsevier/Academic Press' Mathematics in Science and Engineering Book Series等杂志主编,并任SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization、the International Journal on Quantum Information、Physica Scripta、the Electronic Journal of Differential Equations等杂志副主编,同时还是美国数学学会(AMS)、工业和应用数学学会(SIAM)会员。Goong Chen教授关于MH370航班失踪的文章,作为封面故事,发表在2015年4月Notices of The American Mathematical Society (AMS),被美国数学学会称为“Top Math Stories in the Media -2015”。


Various animals, such as the horse, camel, giraffe, duck, goose, eagle, and the T-Rex dinosaur, have different shapes. How do we correlate their shapes to

their motion patterns ? This is the main topic of this talk.

We will use the linear elastodynamic equation to model the vibratory motion

of these animals. The proper Hilbert functional space setting will be formulated. Corresponding to the force-free boundary condition, we prove the laws of conservation of

energy, momentum and angular momentum.

For the linear elastodynamic operator, we perform eigenfunction analysis to study

the basic motion types of these animals. Their fundamental dynamic modes of motion will be illustrated by videos. Full-body simulations of a horse in motion will also be

simulated to compare with the Fourier analysis of eigenmodes.


