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  报 告 人:Changsheng Li教授 (“全球温室气体及生物地球化学模型发展”首席科学家(PI))


  Changsheng Li received his Bachelor’s degree in Geochemistry from University of Science and Technology of China in 1964, Master’s degree in Environmental Chemistry from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1981, and Ph.D. degree in Biogeochemistry from Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Wisconsin in 1985. He organized the first interdisciplinary research team to study effects of trace elements on human health in China in 1968. He has been devoted to biogeochemical and environmental studies since. He was Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1985-1987), and senior official of National Environmental Protection Agency of China (1988-1989). In 1992 he moved to the University of New Hampshire where he is now Research Professor in the Complex Systems Research Center within the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space.

  His academic interest is to explore the theories and methodologies which can be used for revealing relationship between humankind and their environment. Dr. Li has been focusing his study on biogeochemical cycling of chemical elements, especially its numerical expression in time and space. He has developed several biogeochemical models to describe the cycling of trace or abundant chemical elements and their effects on human health, natural resources, or environment. During the last 15 years, Dr. Li was engaged in the development of a nitrogen and carbon biogeochemical model. The Denitrification-Decomposition (DNDC) model has included the most fundamental driving forces and processes in soils that enable it to predict C and N dynamics under various climate, soil, land-use and management conditions in agricultural ecosystems. The model is currently being used for the studies of trace gas emissions, fertilizer efficiency, crop production, and water N contamination. More elements and ecosystems are expected to merge into his efforts.


  报 告 人:Steve Frolking教授(东亚水资源和农业生态环境研究”首席科学家(PI))


  Steve Frolking is Research Professor in EOS and the Department of Earth Sciences, and former Director of the Complex Systems Research Center. He earned a BS and MS in Physics at UNH, and a PhD in Earth Sciences (Biogeochemistry) at UNH. His research is currently focused in four areas within the broader field of Earth System Science: (1) the carbon balance and long-term carbon accumulation in northern peatlands (modeling); (2) water resources and sustainability in the 21st century; (3) carbon and nitrogen cycling in agroecosystems at local to regional to global scales (modeling and database development), and (4) global land use – agricultural, logging, irrigation (modeling, database development, remote sensing). In all cases, the emphasis is on the interaction between natural and managed terrestrial ecosystems and the climate system (e.g., through greenhouse gas emissions), in the context of climate and global change.


  报 告 人: Scott Ollinger副教授,地球海洋及空间研究所副所长。


  Scott Ollinger is a Professor of Environmental Science and Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space at the University of New Hampshire. His expertise is in ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry with emphasis on carbon and nitrogen cycling, effects of air pollution and climate change, and interactions between ecosystems and climate. He studies topics topics that bridge multiple disciplines and span a range of spatial scales and ecosystems. His research often involves equal measures of field studies, remote sensing and ecological modeling. Dr. Ollinger has led several large research projects, aircraft remote sensing campaigns and field collection efforts. He is presently a principal investigator with the North American Carbon Program, an associate editor for Biogeochemistry and he is on the Board of Directors of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). He also serves on the science working group for NASA’s HyspIRI satellite mission. Dr. Ollinger teaches courses in Terrestrial Ecosystems, Biogeochemistry and Forest Ecology. He also has an active interest in science education and is leading an NSF earth system science education initiative with the GLOBE Program. Dr. Ollinger received his PhD from the University of New Hampshire in 2000.


  报 告 人:Tom Brady教授 (新罕布什尔大学农业与生命科学学院院长,新罕布什尔州农业实验站站长;


  Tom Brady received his Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Philosophy (cum laude) from the Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin, and his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Biology from Yale University. His teaching and research career began at Texas Tech University as Assistant, then Associate Professor of Biology. During this 10-year period he was awarded a research fellowship that allowed him to work in the Dept of Biology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. He accepted the chairmanship of the Biology Dept at Hamilton University and was named the Stone Professor of Biology. In 1990, Dr. Brady accepted a position at the National Science Foundation, first as visiting scientist and then director of the Division of Integrative Biology and Neuroscience. In 1994 he was appointed Executive Officer for the Directorate of Biology Sciences, and in 1995 he became Director of the Division of Environmental Biology at NSF. In 1997 Dr. Brady accepted an appointment as Professor of Biological Sciences and Dean of the College of Science, University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). Dr. Brady is a Developmental Biologist and has served as Principal Investigator or Co-PI on external grants totaling over $28 M from agencies such as NSF, U.S. Dept of Education, NIH, Dept of Defense and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. He is the past Director of UTEPs 35,000-acre Indio Mountains Research Station. In 2004 he returned to NSF where he served as Director of the Division of Integrated Organismal Systems (OIS). On July 1, 2007, Dr. Brady became Dean of the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture at UNH and the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station.

  报告时间:2011年5月31日上午 8:30---11:30


