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关于举办“应用数学及统计学国际研讨会(International Conference in Applied mathematics and Statistics)”的通知


  Applied mathematics and statistics are very important and scientific tools used in social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medical and biological sciences, economics and finance, and many other fields in colleges from our university. The purpose of this international conference is to establish cooperation and collaboration between researchers in applied mathematics and statistics from Northwest A and F University and worldwide well-known professors, experts, and researchers. Several professors and experts from domestics and aboard will be invited to deliver colloquium talks, conduct research projects with researchers from our applied and statistics group as well as other related areas.


  报 告 人:Dr. HUNG T. NGUYEN (New Mexico State University)

  报告摘要: This colloquium talk aims at introducing the concept of copulas and discussing related research issues. Copulas capture dependence structures in multivariate statistical models. As such, they are not only useful for building multivariate models, but also for modeling dependence concepts. We mainly discuss the use of copulas for quantifying correlation among random variables, especially for variables with infinite variances, such as stable distributions and heavy-tailed distributions encountered often in financial econometrics. Among research issues, we discuss, in particular, the problem of linear correlation in the case of infinite variances.



  Hung T. Nguyen received his Ph. D. degree from University of Paris VI (France) in 1975 under Joseph Kampeíde Feriet. After spending several years at University of California at Berkeley, and University of Massachusetts at Amherst, he joined the Faculty at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, in 1981 where he remained as professor of mathematical sciences until 2010. He is actually Professor Emeritus of New Mexico State University.

  Dr. Nguyen is a fellow of the American Association of Engineering Education and of the International Fuzzy Systems Association. He has been awarded the Distinguished Lukacs Professorship of Statistics at Bowling Green State University (2002) and the Westhafer Award on Excellence in Research at New Mexico State University (2000).
Dr. Nguyen’s research interests center around uncertainty analysis of dynamical systems: random set theory, statistics of diffusion processes, fuzzy systems, and financial economics. He published 21 books and more than 100 research articles. For the detail of his complete CV, see http://www.math.nmsu.edu/Vitas/nguyen.html

        A New Version of Wang’s Transformation Based on Skew-normal Distributions

  报 告 人:李保坤


  报告时间: 20011年5月23日上午10:30

  报告地点: 理学院二楼多媒体教室

  西南财经大学博士生导师,应用统计研究所所长,《西南财大数据挖掘系统》创建人。2006年毕业于美国新墨西哥州立大学, 获数理统计博士学位。研究领域:多元分析、数据挖掘算法、金融风险分析。

