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关于举办“APSIM as a Systems Modelling Tool to Support Agricultural Research”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:APSIM as a Systems Modelling Tool to Support Agricultural Research

  报告专家: 王恩利 (澳大利亚联邦科工组织,首席科学家/教授)




  Dr. Enli Wang, is a Senior Principal Research Scientist in CSIRO, and has undertaken research into agricultural sustainability for over 20 years. He has been principal investigator on multiple national and international research projects funded by Grains Research Development Corporation (GRDC), Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Department of Agriculture, Australian Pork Limited, CSIRO Wealth from Oceans Flagship, and CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship.  Research areas include productivity and environmental performance of agro-ecosystem under variable/changing climate, water and nutrient use efficiency, and carbon and nutrient cycling in agricultural systems.

  Dr. Enli Wang has made significant and original contributions in the field of generic and process-based modelling of soil-plant systems and integrating farming systems models into catchment modelling. He developed the generic crop model SPASS that was integrated in the German nitrogen modelling framework Expert-N. He also led the development of the generic crop model for the farming systems model APSIM in Australia. Currently he leads the further improvement of APSIM model to deliver solutions for GxExM and phenomics. He is also the leader of the International Canola Modelling Initiative within the International Agricultural Model Inter-comparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP), coordinating worldwide modelling activities for improved simulation of canola yield in response to global change.

  Some of his profile in CSIRO and internationally include:
• >180 scientific publications, including >90 research papers in peer-reviewed international journals, >90 other publications (conference papers, books etc)

• Associate editor – international journal of Field Crops Research

• Editorial board member of Integrative Agriculture, and a member of the International Wheat Plant and Crop Modelling Expert Working Group

• Invited contributor to the National Soil RD&E Strategy, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia (2013) and the ACT Climate Change Council,Australian Capital Territory Government (2014).

• CSIRO Partnership Excellence Award (2007)

• Presentation at Science meets parliament (2007)

• CSIRO/CSE Team Award for the APSRU Software Engineering Group (2004)

• Guest professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China Agricultural University (CAU), Nanjing Univ. of Information Science & Technology (NUIST)

• GIL Research Prize for young scientists, German Association for Informatics in Agriculture, Forestry and the Food Industry (GIL), Germany (1999)

• Keynote speaker and session chair at various international conferences

• Developed 9 simulation models ranging from climate application, physiologically based crop modelling, and micrometeorology in plant disease risk analysis

• Regular reviewer for 12 international peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Climate Change, Global Change Biology, Plant and Soil, Geoderma, Field Crops Research, Ecological Modelling, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Climatic Change, Soil Research, Pasture and Crop Sciences, Vadozone Journal, Agronomy Journal, Agricultural Water Management



