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  报告题目:Assess ecosystem services in grasslands using a modelling apporach combined with observations

  报告人:吴连海 博士,高级研究员,英国洛桑实验站(Rothamsted Research,UK)

  邀请人:何建强 教授




  In order to feed the growing global population without damaging our planet’s environment, the world needs innovative solutions to unlock the potential of agricultural systems. There is currently much debate around the environmental implications of ruminant farming and a need for robust data on nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) fluxes from ruminant grazing systems. I will present how to use data collected from the North Wyke Farm Platform in the UK along with the SPACSYS model to examine the N and C budgets and the N use efficiency of grassland swards at different stages of establishment. We assessed the transition from permanent pasture to a high-sugar grass (HSG), and a mixed sward of HSG with white clover (HSGC), identifying data specifically for the reseed (RS) years and the first year following RS. Then, potential impacts of a land use change on the environment is briefly touched. And finally, I will highlight the way forward for the SPACSYS model.


  吴连海博士,英国洛桑实验站高级研究员,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所客座教授,曾在中国农业大学、北京林业大学、英国苏格兰农学院、瑞典农业大学(乌普萨拉)和美国俄克拉荷马大学工作。他的研究课题主要集中在生态和气候系统之家的相互作用,耕地、草地和森林生态系统的过程模拟,以及GIS在自然资源管理中的应用等。他负责开发了SPACSYS(Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum System)模型,并应用于多个研究项目中,发表学术论文百余篇。


