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  报 告 人:Prof. Robert L. Hill,  美国马里兰大学



  Robert L. Hill教授,马里兰大学环境科学与技术系,专业方向为土壤物理以及水土保持与管理。Dr.Hill为本科生和研究生教授土壤水文物理学、高级土壤物理学、水土保持与管理、土壤及水污染防治等课程。Dr.Hill的研究成果检验了不同保护性耕作系统对环境的影响(径流、土壤物理性质以及杀虫剂的迁移等),揭示了土壤性质的时空变异和人工草坪覆盖下杀虫剂的迁移,并建立了作物产量预测神经网络。Dr.Hill目前的研究方向为调查建筑施工方法以提高排水沟中养分过滤器的效率,以及全球气候变化条件下农田管理的改良。过去10年中,Dr.Hill还从事了开发养分管理软件的工作,并简化了磷生境指数的计算,建立了基于计算机的养分管理年度完成报告系统及其在网络数据库中的共享。Dr. Hill曾经在俄罗斯和摩尔多瓦等国做了大量的国际工作,其出色的研究、教学和国际工作受到了广泛的好评。Dr.Hill是美国土壤学会会刊(SSSAJ)的副主编,美国土壤学会(SSSA)水土保持部门主任和东北分会(NEB)的董事会代表。Dr.Hill同时还是美国土壤学会快速反应小组的成员并为大量的社区服务。Dr.Hill 2003年被选为美国标准协会(ASA)的会员,并在2010-2011年度担任ASA-SSSA-CSSA东北分会的主席。

  Robert L. Hill is a Professor of Soil Physics and Soil & Water Management & Conservation in the Department of Environmental Science & Technology at the University of Maryland. He has taught advanced undergraduate / graduate level courses in Soil Hydrology & Physics, Advanced Soil Physics, Soil & Water Management & Conservation, and Soil & Water Pollution. Some of his previous research areas have examined the environmental impacts of various conservation tillage systems (runoff and sediment loss, soil physical properties, pesticide transport, etc); spatial and temporal variability of soil properties; pesticide transport in turf grass thatch systems; and neural networks for crop yield prediction. Current research includes the investigation of construction techniques to improve the efficiency of drainage ditch water nutrient removal filters and cropping management adaptations for global climate change. For the last ten years, he has worked on software solutions for nutrient management planning, simplified calculation of the phosphorus site index, computer-based annual implementation reports for nutrient management, and web-based submission of those reports into databases. Dr. Hill has done extensive international work in the last 10 years particularly in Russia and Moldova. He has received several awards acknowledging his teaching, research, and international accomplishments. He has served the tri-societies as an Associate Editor of SSSAJ, Chair of Division S-6 (Soil &Water Conservation), Board representative for the North Eastern Branch (NEB) of the Soil Science Society of America, a member of the SSSA Rapid Response Team, and served as a member on numerous society committees. He was elected a Fellow of ASA in 2003. Dr. Hill will serve as President of NEB ASA-SSSA-CSSA from 2010-2011. 