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  作为“科学思想与科学实践应”系列报告之一,黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室邀请英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London,UK) Colin Prentice教授来室访问并做学术报告,欢迎相关科研人员及研究生参加。

  报告题目:Optimal allocation theory: a breakthrough for next-generation terrestrial biosphere models

  报 告 人:Colin Prentice教授




  Prof. Colin Prentice, B.A. in Natural Sciences (Cambridge University, 1973) and Ph.D. in Botany, (Cambridge University, 1977), is the Chair in Biosphere and Climate Impacts at the Imperial College London, UK. and also the Chair of the Australian Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network facility e-MAST(ecosystem Modelling and Scaling infrasTructure).

  Prof. Prentice is an internationally-renowned scientist and a world leader of land-biosphere studies in relation with climate impacts. Research Programme Leader of Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System (QUEST), Uk Natural Environment Research Council (NERC); Former director of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena (Max Planck Society) (1997-2003). Prof. Prentice has won many awards including 2007 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the IPCC and he was the co-ordinating lead author of the chapter ‘Carbon cycle and atmospheric carbon dioxide’ in the Third Assessment Report of IPCC; Milutin Milankovitch Medal (European Geophysical Society) (2002) for his “outstanding contributions in modelling the terrestrial biosphere as an interactive component of our Earth system”; The highly cited author (Thomson ISI, 2002) and the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds (Thomson Reuters, 2014).

  He has led the development and applications of land biosphere models at an international level from the late 1980s through to the present and developed an interdisciplinary approach through long-term collaborations with leading scientists and institutions around the world. He is the “father of BIOME model” family (BIOME3,4, LPJ and LPX etc..). Prof. Prentice has published  several books and over 300 peer-reviewed journal papers, including in Nature, Science, Nature Climate Change, PNAS, Ecology Letters, and Ecology, with current h-index of 76 (Web of Science).

