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报告题目:Divide and Conquer: a hygienic, efficient, and reliable assembly line for housekeeping

报 告 人:王宇  教授

报告时间:2023年3月28日(周二)  上午09:30



王宇,本科毕业于香港科技大学(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)电子工程专业,博士毕业于美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota)工业与系统工程专业,博士毕业后于新加坡管理大学(Singapore Management University)李光前商学院运营管理系担任助理教授,2021年回国加入南方科技大学商学院任长聘副教授(正研究员)。主要从事运营管理相关研究,研究聚焦:运营系统分析与控制、运营设计与优化、商业运营模式创新与开发、数据驱动的农业管理运营问题研究。已在全球商科公认的国际顶级UTD期刊Manufacturing & Service Operations Management、Production and Operations Management发表论文9篇,所著决策咨询专报被国务院办公厅采用。入选国家级海外高层次人才引进计划青年特聘专家、广东省珠江人才计划青年拔尖人才、深圳市鹏城孔雀计划特聘教授等。


The transmission of infectious diseases during hotel stays (e.g., by touching unclean towels or bed linens) has been reported globally. Under the current COVID-19 pandemic, having contact with saliva or mucus left by an infected person could cause infection. The standard housekeeping process used by the majority of hotels leaves a channel for new towels and bed linens in refreshed rooms to be contaminated by bacteria or viruses from used towels and bed linens. Eliminating the contamination channel and preventing disease transmission are crucial for protecting the health and safety of hotel guests, especially under a disease outbreak such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. The research was conducted during a field study at a hotel. To design the assembly-line process, the service time distribution of each housekeeping operational step is characterized using data collected from the practice at hundreds of hotel rooms. An optimization model is proposed to optimize the operation. Through a pilot test, the performance of the assembly-line and the traditional housekeeping methods is compared.The principle of the assembly-line method (i.e., eliminating contamination channels through teamwork operational design) can be applied to not only hotel housekeeping practices but also, many other service settings. It leads to hygienic, efficient, and reliable operations, at no additional cost.


