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关于举办“Nondestructive Quality Assessment and Grading of Horticultural Products”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:Nondestructive Quality Assessment and Grading of Horticultural Products

  报 告 人:Renfu Lu博士(美国农业部)



  报告人简介:Renfu Lu博士是美国农业部资深研究员(Research Leader),密歇根州立大学兼职教授。1982年本科毕业于浙江大学,1987年获Cornell大学硕士学位,1990年获Pennsylvania州立大学博士学位。他是美国农业工程学会的Fellow,美国农业工程学报食品加工工程分部的主编,主要从事农产品品质特性的模拟与分析、农产品品质的无损伤检测方法与传感器的研究,特别是利用高光谱技术检测农产品内外品质参数的研究。发表SCI论文90多篇,多次获得美国农业工程学报优秀论文奖,并在10多次国际会议上做特邀报告。

  报告摘要:Automated, nondestructive assessment and grading technology can help farmers and food processors achieve cost savings and enhance product quality and marketability to better meet consumer expectations. Considerable research activities have been reported on the development of nondestructive techniques for horticultural and food products. Among various techniques developed, optical imaging and spectroscopic techniques have been most successful. In this presentation, I will give an overview of my research program in development of nondestructive techniques for property and quality assessment of horticultural and food products. The presentation covers several techniques that have been or are being developed in my lab; they include spatially-resolved technique for measuring optical properties of food products, spectral scattering technique for fruit quality assessment, hyperspectral imaging for inspecting pickling vegetable, and automated in-orchard apple sorting technique. I will conclude the presentation with my thought about the challenges and opportunities in quality evaluation of horticultural and food products.

