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关于举办“The role of plant nutritionist in the future society”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:The role of plant nutritionist in the future society

  报 告 人:王喜庆博士 (美国巴斯夫BASF公司)






  07/2011-present   Field trial analysis team leader, Rice yield research expert team member, yield/stress phase I/II team member

  Ø Initiate and lead international, cross functional BASF-Monsanto collaboration data analysis team. Integrate and analyze data/information ranging from gene discovery to commercial event selection; conceive, develop, recommend strategies and solutions for collaboration product development pipeline for target regions and for the target product concepts.

  Ø Rice yield project research expert team member: Responsible for platforms transferability;  identify, plan, and conduct traditional and innovative projects to enhance the platform transferability, coordinate the field trial data analysis, and interpret data to internal and external stakeholders (project board, business partners,…).

  Ø Initiated field phenotyping technology, and be applying to the key crops improvement.

  Ø  BASF-Monsanto Collaboration Phase I/II team member: Expert on lead genes, propose trait biology for trait characterization and mode of action

  01/2008-07/2011   Intrinsic Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency Trait Team member, BASF Plant Science LLC (BPS), RTP NC

  Ø Led cross-function NUE gene discovery platforms at RTP, fully responsible for setting up objectives, coordinating research plan, overseeing budget.  Research has led to a variety of patent applications, novel assays, and transgenic plants for development

  Ø Propose, participate, and review trait biology, transgene characterization, and optimization project to/for BASF-Monsanto Collaboration

  Ø Developed expertise in the maize response to high density, low nitrogen growing; and agro-biotech pipeline operation and optimization

  05/2005-01/2008 Senior Scientist, BASF Plant Science LLC, RTP NC

  Ø Coordinated yield-stress project interaction with Product Development group, academic and private partners to accomplish the project goal; balanced the resource and workload.

  Ø Initiated and led cross-functional teams in developing and performing molecular, cellular, and physiological corn trait screening, and corn yield performance in the lab, greenhouse, and field; wrote the standard of operational manual, developed workpackages including resource planning and implementation plans,.  The corn trait screening has been applied to gene discovery and mode of action research.

  Ø Initiated and established “LemnaTec Total Plant Screening System” for automated image analysis of plants in greenhouse; led all the related parties to accomplish the system’s design, installation and performance optimization on time and within budget, wrote the standard of operational manual for inside and outside company users.  This world-class screening system has become an irreplaceable and invaluable tool for BASF.

  Ø Directly managed scientists with up to 6 direct reports

  08/2002-04/2005 Research Scientist, BASF Plant Science LLC (BPS), RTP NC 

  Ø Conducted regulated transgenic field trials for yield and stress project

  Ø Directed the first batch of genes into transgenic crop screening pipeline, performed system biology analysis of gene expression and metabolic profiling to exploit lead genes’ mode of action

  Ø Led the team to develop Arabidopsis, soybean, and maize trait screening for transgenic and non-transgenic plants, and gave presentations, and wrote SOP for the related method.  All these methods are widely used for gene discovery

  Ø Developed biochemical assays to detect transgenic plants after transformation to understand the function of transgenes

  09/2001-07/2002 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Missouri-Columbia

  Ø Functional genomics of the Arabidopsis NPH3/RPT2 Family

  09/1998-08/2001 Postdoctoral fellow, Pennsylvania State University-University Park

  Ø Guard cell ABA signal transduction