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关于举办“Dynamic Crop Models and the AgMIP Project”学术报告的通知

  应我校中国旱区节水农业研究院和水利与建筑工程学院邀请,法国国家农业研究院(French National Institute for Agricultural Research; INRA)资深研究员Daniel WALLACH博士来校访问并做学术报告,欢迎相关领域师生参加。

  报告题目:Dynamic Crop Models and the AgMIP Project

  报 告 人:Daniel WALLACH博士




  This talk will begin with an introduction to dynamic crop models, explaining why they are so important in agronomy (because of the need for methods of generalizing field experiments), but also the problems associated with these models. In particular, they probably have fairly large errors, but it is difficult to evaluate the models because of the scarcity of data.

  The AgMIP project is a large international project on agricultural model intercomparison and improvement which has brought a new tool for evaluation of crop model uncertainty. This project has made possible the comparison of multiple crop models; the variability between models gives an estimate not previously available of the uncertainty in model predictions.

  Dr. Wallach will then discuss some of the AgMIP results for wheat, and what we have learned from them about the uncertainty in crop model predictions. Finally, he will give his personal view about some future directions in crop modeling.

Dr. Wallach earned his Ph.D. from Harvard University in Chemical Physics. But he later decided to change fields, and became involved with crop modeling. His early work in modeling convinced him that more rigorous methods of working with these models are required, and that statistics can supply the basis for these methods. He has since specialized in the application of statistical methods to crop modeling. He is the first author of the book “Working with dynamic crop models”. The Second Edition of this book will come out toward the end of this year.



