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关于举办“Water Sustainability in a Changing World”学术报告的通知

  应水保所及黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室邀请,美国爱荷华大学Jerald L. Schnoor教授来室访问并做学术报告。Jerald L. Schnoor教授现为爱荷华大学市政与环境工程部主席、全球与区域环境研究中心主任,是美国化学学会刊物 Environmental Science and Technology 的主编。欢迎相关科研人员及研究生参加。

  报告题目:Water Sustainability in a Changing World

  报 告 人:Jerald L. Schnoor教授




  Dr. Jerald L. Schnoor, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, Allen S. Henry Chair in Engineering; Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Professor, Occupational and Environmental Health; and Co-Director, Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research; The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Dr. Jerald Schnoor is a member of the National Academy of Engineering (elected in 1999) for his pioneering work using mathematical models in science policy decisions. He testified several times before Congress on the environmental effects of acid deposition and the importance of passing the 1990 Clean Air Act. While serving as Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Science and Technology, Jerry guides the leading journal in both environmental engineering and environmental science. His editorial writings on environmental policy and research have been widely accessed by the international community. Professor Schnoor has published (as author, co-author, or editor) six books and over 175 research articles in archival journals. Dr. Schnoor chaired the Board of Scientific Counselors for the Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development from 2000-2004. Currently, he is Chair of the NRC Committee on Science for Environmental Protection in the 21st Century. He was also the Chair of the 2008 National Research Council report on The Water Implications of Biofuels Processing in the U.S. Dr. Schnoor and his students have pioneered phytoremediation, the use of plants to help clean the environment. The research involves discovering novel pathways for the uptake, storage, and metabolism of toxic organic chemicals at waste sites. Dr. Schnoor has been instrumental in the full-scale clean-up and demonstration of phytoremediation systems to remediate petrochemical contaminations, explosives contaminant remediation from groundwater using created wetlands, and the interception and treatment of groundwater plumes containing industrial chemicals. Schnoor’s publications cover a wide range of environmental problems including toxic chemical fate and transport, surface and groundwater contaminant modeling, phytoremediation, and carbon sequestration for mitigation of greenhouse gases.  His research is currently supported by research grants from NSF, EPA, and NIEHS.
