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关于举办“Discovering the function of viral proteins – from biology to therapy”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:Discovering the function of viral proteins – from biology to therapy

  报 告 人:Prof. Julian A. Hiscox (University of Liverpool)

  报告时间:2013年3月12日 15:00

  报告地点: 国际交流中心208会议室


  Prof. Julian A. Hiscox is Chair in Infection and Global Health, in the Institute of Infection and Global Health (IGH) at the University of Liverpool. He has a BSc in Genetics from University College London (1991) and a PhD in Virology from the University of Reading (1994). He completed post-doctoral training at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA) and the Institute for Animal Health (Compton, UK). In 1999 he was appointed as a Lecturer in Virology at the University of Reading and then moved to the University of Leeds in 2003 where he was subsequently a Senior Lecturer and Reader in Virology. In 2012 he was recruited to the University of Liverpool.

  Julian Hiscox is one of the most outstanding virologists. He is also one of the pioneers in using quantitative proteomics to study how viruses and the host cell interact. His focus currently is on both animal and human viral pathogens that are extremely relevant to global health and food security, particularly in the area of respiratory and emerging pathogens which involved containment at Biosafety Level 2 and now Biosafety Level 4. The added dimension Julian brings to such proteomic approaches is not just in the generation of lists of proteins, but also in investigating the functional implications of proteome changes both for the virus and the host cell, and the practical uses. In the previous five years he has published 20 academic peer reviewed papers in journals including but not limiting Nature Reviews Microbiology, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, Journal of Virology, Journal of Proteome Research, Proteomics ,EMBO Reports and obtained competitively funded grant income of ~ CNY 15,565,715.


