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关于举办“Genomic Research and Breeding in Switchgrass for Biofuel Production ”学术报告的通知

  报告题目:Genomic Research and Breeding in Switchgrass for Biofuel Production

  报 告 人:吴彦奇 副教授(美国俄克拉荷马州立大学植物与土壤科学系)

  报告时间:2013年2月27日 14:30~16:30



  Dr. Yanqi Wu is an associate professor in Department of Plant and Soil Sciences of Oklahoma State University in USA at present.  Dr. Wu serves on the faculty of Oklahoma State University as an assistant professor in grass breeding and genetics at Plant and Soil Sciences Department since July 01, 2006. His current research is focused on the development of new cultivars, and genetic and genomic research on important agronomic traits in bermudagrass used for turf and forage, and switchgrass for bioenergy.  Dr. Wu completed a two-year (2004-2006) postdoctoral research with USDA-ARS Plant Science Research Laboratory, Stillwater, Oklahoma. He received his PhD in Crop Science (Grass Breeding and Genetics) from Oklahoma State University in 2004. Prior to coming to the US, he held a faculty position at Sichuan Agricultural University in China from 1988 to 2000, with research and teaching responsibilities in Forage and Turfgrass Sciences.

