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关于举办“The Myc Oncogenic Transcription Factor Network Regulates Cell Differentiation”等学术报告会通知

  报告题目:The Myc Oncogenic Transcription Factor Network Regulates Cell Differentiation

  报告人:Robert Eisenman(美国科学院院士、美国艺术与科学院院士、美国华盛顿大学教授、国际著名生物科学家)






  Robert Eisenman简介:

  Robert Eisenman received his Ph.D. degree in Biophysics from the University of Chicago in 1971. He carried out postdoctoral work on retroviruses at the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research in Lausanne from 1971-1975 and later at the MIT Cancer Center. In 1976 he joined the faculty of the Division of Basic Sciences at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. He is a Member of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Affiliate Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Washington. He is currently Visiting Professor at the Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine at the University of Tokyo. Dr. Eisenman is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was awarded the inaugural Landon-AACR Prize for Basic Cancer Research in 2002.

  The Eisenman laboratory is focused on the transcriptional regulation of cellular functions, especially cell growth and proliferation. The laboratory studies a group of interacting transcription factors - the Max network- whose components (Myc, Max, Mad, Mga) comprise a transcriptional switching system that has been conserved throughout evolution, and is frequently deregulated in many types of cancers. The lab uses the tools of biochemistry as well as Drosophila and mouse genetics to delineate the functions and activities of these transcription factors. Much of the laboratory’s research is directed towards understanding how Myc regulates cell behavior through its ability to modify chromatin structure at its transcriptional targets as well as globally. A recent research focus has been on understanding how Myc both promotes and suppresses differentiation in the context of stem cell self-renewal and pluripotency.

  1989年3月于西北农业大学获博士学位。1995年4月至1998年10月在美国圣路易斯大学医学院、华盛顿大学医学院和伯明翰大学医学院做访问学者和博士后。1998年10月回国来清华大学生物系工作。现为清华大学医学院教授、博士生导师,清华大学生命科学院校内兼职教授,FEBS Letters杂志编委、《解剖学报》编委。

  主要从事细胞信号转导与疾病的关系研究,研究方向有:重要信号蛋白的泛素化降解调控;STAT3蛋白活性调控;TGF-?,Wnt,FGF等信号在细胞增殖与分化中的作用;肿瘤转移的基因调控;IL-17在炎症反应中的作用。相关论文发表在JCB, MCB, JBC, JMB, PNAS, JCS, Cancer Research, Mol Cell, Gene Therapy, Cellular Signalling, BBRC和FEBS Letters等国际主流杂志上。



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