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关于举办“Nitrogen red/ox metabolism, regulation and N2O emission from soils”学术报告的通知

  经黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室邀请,挪威生命科学大学(Norwegian University of Life Sciences)植物和环境科学系(Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences)MB Nitrogen研究小组专家来校进行学术交流。

  报告题目1:NO – an important regulator of denitrification, experiences with mutant strains and acetylene-scavenging of NO.
  报告人: Lars Bakken
  报告时间:2011年11月21(星期一)晚上  19:30-20:30

  报告题目2:Why and how do we measure N2O emissions from soils, now and in future?
  报告人:Peter Dörsch
  报告时间:2011年11月21(星期一)晚上  20:30-21:30

  报告题目3:Genotypes and Denitrification Regultory Phenotypes – a bridge over troubled water? Model organisms, a source of concepts and understanding of soil N-transformations and N2O emissions.
  报告人:Åsa Frostegård
  报告时间:2011年11月21(星期一)晚上  21:30-22:30

  MB Nitrogen Group简介:

  The UMB Nitrogen Group started as a microbial ecology group focusing on the regulatory biology and ecology of denitrifying prokaryotes and related functional groups. This is still the scientific core of the group, but new activities include studies of the N cycle at larger scales; field experiments and watersheds.

