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关于举办“Measuring exchanges of heat, water and CO2 between the atmosphere and ecosystems”的学术报告会的通知

  报告题目:Measuring exchanges of heat, water and CO2 between the atmosphere and ecosystems

  报 告 人:Prof. Takashi Hirano, Hokkaido University(日本北海道大学)




    Takashi Hirano,Professor of Hokkaido University, Japan

  Education Background:

        Bachelor of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Japan, 1984
     Master of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Japan, 1986
     Doctor of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan, 1992
  Working Experiences:

  1988-  Assistant Professor, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
        1993-  Lecturer, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan 
        1996-  Associate Professor, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
        1998-  Associate Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan
        2006-  Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan

  Research Interests:

  Carbon and water balances of terrestrial ecosystems, effects of disturbances on ecosystem carbon balance, carbon accumulation in peatland ecosystems

