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关于举办“Preparing the Auchenorrhyncha for the Australian Faunal Directory”学术报告的通知

  报告人:Dr. Murray Fletcher

  报告题目:Preparing the Auchenorrhyncha for the Australian Faunal Directory

  报告时间:2011年11月2日(星期三)下午 3:00pm



  Dr. Murray Fletcher is the head of the Agricultural Scientific Collections Unit at Orange Agricultural Institute, a unit which maintains market access and area freedom for NSW primary produce through ensuring the absence of exotic pests and diseases and providing rapid authoritative identifications for insects, mites, fungi and bacteria affecting agricultural activities in the state. He is the Australian taxonomic authority on leafhoppers and planthoppers and has, jointly or in partnership, provided the scientific name for 22 genera and 121 species of Australian insects in these groups so far. He also has the following taxa described by others in his honour.

