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关于举办“Climate, Carbon and Ecosystem Services”学术报告的通知




  题目:1.Presentation Titles:CANR’s Perspective and Experience in Engaging China

      Frank Fear Senior Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

     2.Presentation Titles:Climate, Carbon and Ecosystem Services

      David Skole Professor and Director of the Global Observatory of Ecosystem Services

     3.Presentation Titles:The Global Observatory for Ecosystem Services (GOES): An Overview of the GOES Facilities and                                                    Geospatial Technical & Analytical Capacities.
      Jay Samek Research Scientist of the Global Observatory of Ecosystem Services


  Dr. Frank Fear (Ph.D., Sociology, Iowa State University, 1977) has served Michigan State University for over 25 years in a variety of roles, academic and administrative. He’s currently senior associate dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and president and CEO of The Greater Lansing Food Bank and a founding member of the Capital Area Food Security Coalition. Frank studies, writes, and teaches about forms of extraordinary change in organizational and community settings with focus on extraordinary change resulting from collaboration with higher education. His articles have appeared in The Journal of Leadership Studies, Innovative Higher Education, Metropolitan Universities, the Journal of College and Character, and Encounter. He is a frequent contributor to The Journal of Higher Education, Outreach and Engagement and is lead author of the book, Coming to Critical Engagement (University Press of America). From 1989-1995, Frank served as chairperson of the Department of Resource Development; and from 1997-2000 served as the inaugural chairperson of The Liberty Hyde Bailey Scholars Program, a distinctive undergraduate program that promotes undergraduate student & faculty development through collaborative learning. In between those assignments, Frank was acting associate director of MSU Extension. From 2001-05, Frank devoted full attention to scholarly expressions with emphasis on writing. Frank continues to be deeply involved in undergraduate education through the Bailey Scholars Program. He regularly teaches the introductory course for entering students and the capstone course for graduating students. Frank also co-designed and taught (at various times) all three graduate core courses in Resource Development and CARRS. He has served on graduate committees of nearly 200 MSU master’s and doctoral graduates. Frank is also a consulting scholar with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, most recently in conjunction with the Food Systems Higher Education-Community Partnership initiative.

  Dr. David L. Skole is professor of forestry and director of the Global Observatory for Ecosystem Services, Department of Forestry, Michigan State University. Dave has advanced degrees in Environmental Science from Indiana University and Global Change Research from the University of New Hampshire and more than 25 years experience with research on the global carbon cycle and climate exchange. He was instrumental in constructing the first numerical carbon accounting model and has been spearheading the integration of satellite based remote sensing into carbon accounting models. He was officially recognized for his climate change research as a member of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore. He is now active in the emerging carbon financial markets and applications of his research to carbon sequestration projects in developing countries. He has been active in developing methods for carbon offsets under cap and trade carbon regulations. He is a member of the Chicago Climate Exchange Offsets Committee and an advisor to the Forestry Committee. He also chairs the CCX Technical Committee on Agro-forestry. He has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications on land use change and forestry issues related to carbon emissions and sequestration, including several that have been most influential in the field. He is the author of a very early book, Beyond Oil: the Threat to Food and Fuel in the Coming Decades that was publish in 1986 and predicted the current oil and food crises. Dr. Skole is past chair of the National Science Foundation Advisory Committee on Environmental Research and Education. He is a member of several committees of the National Academies including Geographic Sciences Committee and the Committee on Geographical Foundations of Agenda 21 that lead to US State Department recommendations at the World Summit on Sustainable Development. He has advised both the federal government and international organizations on land use and cover change. He is currently Implementation Chairman of the United Nations Program on Global Observations of Land Cover, which is coordinating a monitoring program for land use change worldwide. He has worked closely with EPA, NASA and US Agency for International Development as an advisor and investigator.

  Jay Samek is a specialist in social forestry at the Global Observatory for Ecosystem Services, Department of Forestry, Michigan State University with advanced degrees from Dartmouth College and Michigan State University. His broad research interests include the interactions between humans and their environment, the dynamics of land use and land cover change, the role of forests in climate change, and the application of geospatial technologies. Jay has worked extensively in Southeast Asia for the past 10 years beginning with two years of service as an agroforestry specialist with Peace Corps-Philippines (1987-89). He currently coordinates all carbon offset project development for Carbon2Markets and has developed a number of C2M project activities with colleagues in Cambodia, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Jay has been involved with projects funded by NASA’s Land Cover and Land Use Change (LCLUC) program, the IGBP-IHDP Land Use and Land Cover Change (LUCC) programme, and the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) programme. Jay is also a member of the GOES team managing the Landsat.org and the Tropical Rain Forest Information Center (TRFIC) projects. Jay has co-published a number of papers and book chapters focused on land use and land cover change in Southeast Asia. His most recent book chapter is Land Cover Change Dynamics, in Critical States: Environmental Challenges to Development in Monsoon Southeast Asia (Lebel et al. 2009).
