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  报 告 人:杨棋明  台湾中央研究院生物多样性研究中心  研究员

  报告时间:2011年9月26日(星期一)  16:30




  1989-1992  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Microbiology, 
   Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA

  1992-1995 Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica,
   Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan

  1995-2003 Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, 
   Nankang, Taipei,Taiwan

  2004-2009  Associate Research Fellow, Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, 
   Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan
  Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, National Taiwan University.
  Daan, Taipei, Taiwan
  Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Futurology, Fogang Univisity, Jiaoxi, Yilan,  Taiwan
  Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Aquaculture, National Taiwan Ocean  University, Keelong, Taiwan

  2009- Reseach Fellow, Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, 
  Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan

  1. Chlorophyll metabolism in animals.

  2. Pigment-protein complexes in non-leaf green tissues.

  3. Relationship between chlorophyll and satellite remote sensing.

  4. Application of chlorophyll- or porphyrin-related compounds.

  5. Application of grey system theory on research of plant science.

  6. Application of stable isotope on research of plant ecology


  Ⅰ. Referred Paper in Chinese with English Abstract (Chinese Journal):
  47 papers in total from 1981 to 2010

  1. Hsu, M. H., Huang, W. D., Yang, Z. W., Chen, J. C., Luhr, H. S. and Yang, C. M. 2006. Grey relational analysis of the effects of climate factors and air qualities on rice growth monitored by SPOT satellite remote sensing data at Quandu Plain in 2004. Crop, Environ. & Bioinform. 3: 177-184.

  2. Chen, J. C., Wang, Z. Y., Yang, Z. W., Hsu, M. H., Wu, S. Z., Yang, C. M. and Chen, C. T. 2006. Application of chlorophyll meter CM1000 on measuring leaf chlorophyll content in woody plant. Sci. Agric. 54: 48-54.

  3. Hsu, M. H., Yang, Z. W., Chang, S. S., Yang, C. M., Huang, W. D. 2006. Effects of air pollutant on the pigments and spectral reflectance in sugarcane leaf. Crop, Environ. & Bioinform. 3(4): 345-354.

  4. Chiu, C. R., Zhen, J. J., Huang, W. D. and Yang, C. M. 2006. Grey relational analysis of the effect of climate factors on the frequency and area of forest fire in Mt. Dadu. J. Agric. Assoc. China 5: 207-214.

  5. Hsu, M. H., Chen, H. M., Yang, Z. W., Chang, S. S., Huang, W. D. and Yang, C. M. 2007. Grey relational analysis of the effects of climate factors on turfgrass growth monitored by SPOT satellite remote sensing. Weed Sci. Bull. 28(1): 59-70.

  6. Chen, H. M., Hsu, M. H., Yang, Z. W., Huang, W. D., Yang, C. M. and Chang, S. S. 2007. Nitrogen rate and mowing frequency effects on spectral reflectance of nermudagrass “Tifway 419” (Cynodon transvalensis x C. dactylon). Weed Sci. Bull. 28(1): 71-97.

  7. Chen, C. C., Huang, M. Y., Huang, W. D., Hsu, M. H. and Yang, C. M. 2007. Effects of silver-grass and vetiver on soil carbon pools. Weed Sci. Bull. 28(2): 131-140.

  8. Chen, C. C., Hsu, M. H., Huang, W. D. and Yang, C. M. 2008. The effect of crop root-derived carbon on soil organic carbon pool. Sci. Agric. 56: 118-126.

  9. Chen, C. C., Hsu, M. H., Huang, M. Y., Yang, Z. W., Yang, C. M. and Huang, W. D. 2008. Effects of common reed on soil organic carbon pool in Guandu Nature Reserve. Weed Sci. Bull. 29(1): 11-22.

  10. Li, A. J., Hsu, M. H., Huang, W. D., Yang, C. M. And Chang, Y. S. 2008. Application of grey relational decision on drought-resistance of warm grasses. Weed Sci. Bull. 29(2): 141-152..

  11. Hsu, M. H., Chen, C. L., Huang, W. D., Chen, K. R. and Yang, C. M. 2009. Application of Grey System Theory on Biology (7): Study on the relation among pigments and quality during manufacturing process of Bai-hau Oolong Tea. Scientific Agriculture 57(10,11,12):227-235.

  12. Hsu, M. H., Chen, C. L., Huang, W. D., Chen, K. R. and Yang, C. M. 2010. The study of element analysis to determine the geographical origin of tea. Scientific Agriculture 58(1,2,3): 33-40.

  Ⅱ. Referred Paper in English (English Journal): 
  53 papers in total from 1981 to 2010

  13. Hsu, C. Y., Yang, C. M., Chen, C. M., Chao, P. Y. and Hu, S. P. 2005. Effects of chlorophyll-related compounds on hydrogen peroxide induced DNA damage within human lymphocytes. J. Agri. Food Chem. 53: 2746-2750. (SCI)

  14. Lin, K. H., Chao, P. Y., Yang, C. M., Cheng, W. C., Lo, H. F. and Chang, T. R. 2006. The effects of flooding and drought stresses on the antioxidant constituents in sweet potato leaves. Botanical Studies. 47:417-426. (SCI)

  15. Chen, J. C., Yang, C. M., Wu, S. Y., Chung, Y. L., Albert-Linton, C. and Chen, C. T. 2007. Leaf chlorophyll content and surface spectral reflectance of tree species along a terrain gradient in Kenting National Park of Taiwan. Botanical Studies. 48:71-77. (SCI)

  16. Yang, C. M., Yang, M. M., Hsu, J. M. and Jane, W. N. 2007. Lifetime deficiency of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes CP1, A1, AB1, and AB2 in two cecidomyiid galls of derived from Machilus thunbergii leaves. Photosynthetica 45(5): 589-593. (SCI)

  17. Huang, W. D., Chen, J. C., Hsu, M. H., Yang, Z. W., Huang, K. Y., Lu, L. C., Chen, C. T. , Yang, J. S. and Yang, C. M. 2008. Effects of climate factors on normalized difference vegetation index taking from satellite remote sensing at the Mt. Huangzui area of Taiwan. Weed Sci. Bull. 29(1):23-39. (in English)

  18. Yang, M. M., Huang, M. Y., Jane, W. N., Tung, G. S., Chang, Y. T. And Yang, C. M. 2008. Observation on the epidermal stomata of a cup-like gall of Litsea acuminata (Lauraceae). BioFormosa 43: 71-75.

  19. Huang, M. Y., Yang, M. M., Jane, W. N., Chang, Y. T. and Yang, C. M. 2009. Insect-induced cecidomyiid galls deficient in light-harvesting protein complex II showing normal grana stacking. J. Asia-Pacific Entomol. 12: 165-168.

  20. Huang, W. D., Yang, J. S., Chen, J. C., Hsu, M. H., Wu, J. T. and Yang, C. M. 2010. Grey relational analysis of physico-chemical variables and water body reflectance of a Chi-Chi earthquake landslide-dammed lake monitored by SPOT satellite. J. Grey Sys. 22(4) (SCI) (in press)

  Ⅲ. Patents

  21. USA Patent(2007.10.6) Yih-Chih Hsu, Wen-Tyng Li, Jeffrey Lin, Bor-Iuan Jan, Tzu-I Wu, Jih-Shen Wen, Chi-Ming Yang (2007),“Chlorophyll and its derivatives for photodynamic therapy”, USA , US20050222117 A1.

  22. Republic of China Patent (2011.8.22.) 杨棋明与中研院(2011) “Chlorophyll-related compounds as antioxidants”   (100)智专三(四)01019字第10020738210号

